In the last topic, we considered a range of questions around values. You’d have noticed that we didn’t go straight to writing up your values. Thinking about values related questions, where you reflect on your past experiences and formative relationships, provides a broader and deeper perspective around what you hold as most important in your life. Now we can review the answers to the questions from the previous exercise and begin to put together a list of your core values.

Define your values

Write a list of your core values (try for a minimum of 5 values). Use the answers from the previous exercise to help you hone in on your values. Remember, values are simply the character traits, attributes or goals that you value most in your life. Values are by definition ranked in importance. When comparing two values, you could ask, which do I value more? For example, I might value financial independence and I might value fun. When confronting a decision to engage in a fun, but expensive activity, you might use your values to guide the decision. ie; which do I value more here, fun or financial independence? If it is financial independence, you might pass on this activity and save the money.

This leads us to the importance of values in self-regulation. In the next exercise, we will look to bring values based actions into our daily and weekly routines.

Some examples of Values are listed below. You needed use any of these, they are simply prompts to help you if required.


Accountability Creativity Health Openness Simplicity
Achievement Curiosity Home Optimism Spirituality
Adaptability Dignity Honesty Order Sportsmanship
Adventure Diversity Hope Parenting Stewardship
Altruism Efficiency Humility Patience Success
Ambition Environment Humour Patriotism Teamwork
Authenticity Equality Inclusion Peace Thrift
Balance Ethics Independence Perseverance Time
Beauty Excellence Initiative Personal fulfilment Tradition
Being the best Fairness Integrity Power Travel
Belonging Faith Intuition Pride Trust
Career Family Job security Recognition Truth
Caring Financial stability Joy Reliability Understanding
Collaboration Forgiveness Justice Resourcefulness Uniqueness
Commitment Freedom Kindness Respect Usefulness
Community Friendship Knowledge Responsibility Vision
Compassion Fun Leadership Risk-taking Vulnerability
Competence Future generations Learning Safety Wealth
Confidence Generosity Legacy Security Wellbeing
Connection Giving back Leisure Self-discipline Wholeheartedness
Contentment Grace Love Self-expression Wisdom
Contribution Gratitude Loyalty Self-respect  
Cooperation Growth Making a difference Serenity  
Courage Harmony Nature Service